Features that don't adhere to AMOP in various CLOS MOP implementations, and whether and how they are resolved in Closer to MOP. Allegro Common Lisp 8.2 & 9.0 - CLASS-DIRECT-DEFAULT-INITARGS and CLASS-DEFAULT-INITARGS don't return canonicalized default initargs as specified. Not fixed. - FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-OBJECT is not used as the default superclass for classes with :metaclass FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS. - DEFGENERIC does not call FIND-METHOD-COMBINATION. Not fixed. - DEFMETHOD doesn't call MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA. Fixed. - The dependent protocol for generic functions doesn't work fully. Fixed. - GENERIC-FUNCTION-ARGUMENT-PRECEDENCE-ORDER doesn't return only the required arguments. Fixed. - The function invocation protocol doesn't call COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS, COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES and COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-METHOD. Fixed. - The :ALLOCATION type cannot be extended. Fixed. - MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA is not provided. Fixed. - Method functions don't take parameters as specified in AMOP, but instead just the parameters that the generic function receives. Fixed. - REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE doesn't determine a new discriminating function. Fixed. - (SETF CLASS-NAME) and (SETF GENERIC-FUNCTION-NAME) do not use REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE for changing the names. Not fixed. - SLOT-MAKUNBOUND-USING-CLASS is not specialized on slot definition metaobjects, but on symbols. Fixed. - STANDARD-CLASS and FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS are not compatible. Not fixed. - VALIDATE-SUPERCLASS doesn't recognize T as a valid superclass. Not fixed. - Subclasses of BUILT-IN-CLASS, FORWARD-REFERENCED-CLASS, FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS, METHOD-COMBINATION, STANDARD-ACCESSOR-METHOD, STANDARD-CLASS, STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION, STANDARD-METHOD, STANDARD-READER-METHOD, STANDARD-SLOT-DEFINITION and STANDARD-WRITER-METHOD will inherit slots whose names are exported symbols and/or accessible in the package common-lisp-user. Not fixed. Allegro Common Lisp 10.0 & 10.1 - CLASS-DIRECT-DEFAULT-INITARGS and CLASS-DEFAULT-INITARGS don't return canonicalized default initargs as specified. Not fixed. - DEFGENERIC does not call FIND-METHOD-COMBINATION. Not fixed. - DEFMETHOD doesn't call MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA. Fixed. - The dependent protocol for generic functions doesn't work fully. Fixed. - GENERIC-FUNCTION-ARGUMENT-PRECEDENCE-ORDER doesn't return only the required arguments. Fixed. - The function invocation protocol doesn't call COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS, COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES and COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-METHOD. Fixed. - The :ALLOCATION type cannot be extended. Fixed. - MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA is not provided. Fixed. - Method functions don't take parameters as specified in AMOP, but instead just the parameters that the generic function receives. Fixed. - REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE doesn't determine a new discriminating function. Fixed. - (SETF CLASS-NAME) and (SETF GENERIC-FUNCTION-NAME) do not use REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE for changing the names. Not fixed. - SLOT-MAKUNBOUND-USING-CLASS is not specialized on slot definition metaobjects, but on symbols. Fixed. - VALIDATE-SUPERCLASS doesn't recognize T as a valid superclass. Not fixed. - Subclasses of BUILT-IN-CLASS, FORWARD-REFERENCED-CLASS, FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS, METHOD-COMBINATION, STANDARD-ACCESSOR-METHOD, STANDARD-CLASS, STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION, STANDARD-METHOD, STANDARD-READER-METHOD, STANDARD-SLOT-DEFINITION and STANDARD-WRITER-METHOD will inherit slots whose names are exported symbols and/or accessible in the package common-lisp-user. Not fixed. Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.7.1 All features implemented. (However, there are currently still some glitches that are not reported by MOP Feature Tests.) CLisp 2.49 - Methods are not initialized with :function. Not fixed. - ADD-METHOD, REMOVE-METHOD, INITIALIZE-INSTANCE and REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE do not determine a new discriminating function. This is postponed until function invocation instead, so shouldn't be a problem in practice. - The slot order requested by a primary method for COMPUTE-SLOTS is not honoured by this MOP. Not fixed. - DEFMETHOD does not call MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA. Fixed. - A FORWARD-REFERENCED-CLASS is not changed via CHANGE-CLASS (but is correctly reinitialized via REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE). - MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA is not provided. Fixed. - Subclasses of METHOD-COMBINATION will inherit slots whose names are exported symbols and/or accessible in the package common-lisp-user. Not fixed. Clozure Common Lisp 1.11.5, 1.12, 1.12.1 & 1.12.2 - ADD-METHOD, REMOVE-METHOD, INITIALIZE-INSTANCE and REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE don't call COMPUTE-DISCRIMINATING-FUNCTION. Fixed. - DEFMETHOD doesn't call GENERIC-FUNCTION-METHOD-CLASS or MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA. Fixed. - Discriminating functions cannot be determined, and thus cannot be closures and cannot be funcalled. Fixed. - Geveric function invocation doesn't call COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS, COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES, or COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-METHOD. Fixed. - Generic functions cannot be empty when called. Fixed. - MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA is not supported. Fixed. - Reinitialization of a lambda list doesn't update the argument precedence order. Fixed. - The slot order requested by a primary method for COMPUTE-SLOTS is not honoured by this MOP. Not fixed. - DOCUMENTATION doesn't return the documentation strings for slot definition metaobjects. Fixed. - REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE of a class metaobject doesn't invoke FINALIZE-INHERITANCE again. Fixed. - Subclasses of DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, GENERIC-FUNCTION, SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-ACCESSOR-METHOD, STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION, STANDARD-METHOD, STANDARD-READER-METHOD, STANDARD-SLOT-DEFINITION and STANDARD-WRITER-METHOD will inherit slots whose names are exported symbols and/or accessible in the package common-lisp-user. Not fixed. CMUCL 21d - CLASS-DIRECT-DEFAULT-INITARGS and CLASS-DEFAULT-INITARGS don't return canonicalized default initargs as specified. Not fixed. - Accessor methods are not initialized with :function, :lambda-list, :slot-definition and :specializers. Fixed. - Classes cannot be anonymous. Fixed. - Class initialization doesn't call READER-METHOD-CLASS and WRITER-METHOD-CLASS for accessor methods. Fixed. - The object returned by compute-discriminating-function cannot be a closure. Likewise, the second parameter to set-funcallable-instance-function cannot be a closure, but only a "pure" function/thunk. Not fixed. - Effective slot definitions are not initialized with :documentation, and EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS also doesn't receive that initarg. Not fixed. - The :ALLOCATION type cannot be extended. Not fixed. - Calling DOCUMENTATION on effective slot definition metaobjects don't return their documentation as specified in ANSI Common Lisp. Fixed. - Methods are not initialized with :function. Not fixed. - Multiple slot options are not passed as lists to DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS. Not fixed, but use FIX-SLOT-INITARGS as a workaround. - REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE doesn't determine a new discriminating function. Fixed. - REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE of a class metaobject doesn't invoke FINALIZE-INHERITANCE again. Not fixed. - (SETF CLASS-NAME) and (SETF GENERIC-FUNCTION-NAME) do not use REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE for changing the names. Fixed. - STANDARD-CLASS and FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS are not compatible. Not fixed. - Subclasses of BUILT-IN-CLASS, CLASS, DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, EQL-SPECIALIZER, FORWARD-REFERENCED-CLASS, FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS, SLOT-DEFINITION, SPECIALIZER, STANDARD-ACCESSOR-METHOD, STANDARD-CLASS, STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION, STANDARD-METHOD, STANDARD-READER-METHOD, STANDARD-SLOT-DEFINITION and STANDARD-WRITER-METHOD will inherit slots whose names are exported symbols and/or accessible in the package common-lisp-user. Not fixed. Embeddable Common Lisp 21.2.1 - Class initialization doesn't call READER-METHOD-CLASS and WRITER-METHOD-CLASS for accessor methods. However, ECL merely delays invocation of those two functions until a class is finalized, so this shouldn't be a problem in practice. - Subclasses of BUILT-IN-CLASS, CLASS, DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, FORWARD-REFERENCED-CLASS, FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS, SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-ACCESSOR-METHOD, STANDARD-CLASS, STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION, STANDARD-METHOD, STANDARD-READER-METHOD, STANDARD-SLOT-DEFINITION, and STANDARD-WRITER-METHOD will inherit slots whose names are exported symbols and/or accessible in the package common-lisp-user. Not fixed. LispWorks 5.1.2 Personal & Professional Edition - CLASS-DIRECT-DEFAULT-INITARGS and CLASS-DEFAULT-INITARGS don't return canonicalized default initargs as specified. Not fixed. - ADD-METHOD, REMOVE-METHOD, INITIALIZE-INSTANCE and REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE do not determine a new discriminating function. This is postponed until function invocation instead, so shouldn't be a problem in practice. - COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES doesn't exist. Fixed. - COMPUTE-DEFAULT-INITARGS doesn't exist. Not fixed. - DEFGENERIC does not call FIND-METHOD-COMBINATION. Not fixed. - EQL-SPECIALIZER, EQL-SPECIALIZER-OBJECT and INTERN-EQL-SPECIALIZER don't exist. In LispWorks, eql specializers are lists not objects. I have provided EQL-SPECIALIZER as a type (not as a class) and EQL-SPECIALIZER-OBJECT and INTERN-EQL-SPECIALIZER to work on lists, and a class EQL-SPECIALIZER* and corresponding EQL-SPECIALIZER-OBJECT* and INTERN-EQL-SPECILAIZER* to soften the incompatibilities. - Before LispWorks 5.1, the :ALLOCATION type cannot be extended. Not fixed. - FIND-METHOD-COMBINATION doesn't exist. Fixed, but fixed version doesn't work with method combination options. - FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-INSTANCE-ACCESS and STANDARD-INSTANCE-ACCESS don't exist. Fixed. - The function invocation protocol doesn't call COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS and COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES. Fixed. - MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA expects other parameters than specified. Fixed. - Method functions don't take parameters as specified in AMOP, but instead just the parameters that the generic function receives. Fixed. - The slot methods (SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS, etc.) are not specialized on effective slot definitions, but on slot names. Fixed. - The generated accessor methods don't use the slot methods for accessing slots. Fixed. (Don't use :optimize-slot-access to deoptimize slot access, or otherwise the fixed slot access protocol doesn't work anymore!) - SPECIALIZER doesn't exist. Not fixed. - SPECIALIZER-DIRECT-GENERIC-FUNCTIONS doesn't exist. Fixed. - STANDARD-CLASS and FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS are not compatible. Not fixed. - Subclasses of BUILT-IN-CLASS (fixed), CLASS (fixed), DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, FORWARD-REFERENCED-CLASS (fixed), FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS (fixed), SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-ACCESSOR-METHOD, STANDARD-CLASS (fixed), STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION, STANDARD-METHOD, STANDARD-READER-METHOD, STANDARD-SLOT-DEFINITION and STANDARD-WRITER-METHOD will inherit slots whose names are exported symbols and/or accessible in the package common-lisp-user. Not fixed, except where indicated otherwise. LispWorks 6.0.1 Enterprise Edition, 6.1 & 6.1.1 Professional Edition, 7.0, 7.1.2, 7.1.3 Hobbyist Edition - CLASS-DIRECT-DEFAULT-INITARGS and CLASS-DEFAULT-INITARGS don't return canonicalized default initargs as specified. Not fixed. - ADD-METHOD, REMOVE-METHOD, INITIALIZE-INSTANCE and REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE do not determine a new discriminating function. This is postponed until function invocation instead, so shouldn't be a problem in practice. - COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES doesn't exist. Fixed. - DEFGENERIC does not call FIND-METHOD-COMBINATION. Not fixed. - EQL-SPECIALIZER, EQL-SPECIALIZER-OBJECT and INTERN-EQL-SPECIALIZER don't exist. In LispWorks, eql specializers are lists not objects. I have provided EQL-SPECIALIZER as a type (not as a class) and EQL-SPECIALIZER-OBJECT and INTERN-EQL-SPECIALIZER to work on lists, and a class EQL-SPECIALIZER* and corresponding EQL-SPECIALIZER-OBJECT* and INTERN-EQL-SPECILAIZER* to soften the incompatibilities. - FIND-METHOD-COMBINATION doesn't exist. Fixed, but fixed version doesn't work with method combination options. - FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-INSTANCE-ACCESS and STANDARD-INSTANCE-ACCESS don't exist. Fixed. - The function invocation protocol doesn't call COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS and COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES. Fixed. - MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA expects other parameters than specified. Fixed. - Method functions don't take parameters as specified in AMOP, but instead just the parameters that the generic function receives. Fixed. - The slot methods (SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS, etc.) are not specialized on effective slot definitions, but on slot names. Fixed. - The generated accessor methods don't use the slot methods for accessing slots. Fixed. (Don't use :optimize-slot-access to deoptimize slot access, or otherwise the fixed slot access protocol doesn't work anymore!) - SPECIALIZER-DIRECT-GENERIC-FUNCTIONS doesn't exist. Fixed. - STANDARD-CLASS and FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS are not compatible. Not fixed. - Subclasses of BUILT-IN-CLASS (fixed), CLASS (fixed), DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, FORWARD-REFERENCED-CLASS (fixed), FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS (fixed), SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-ACCESSOR-METHOD, STANDARD-CLASS (fixed), STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION, STANDARD-METHOD, STANDARD-READER-METHOD, STANDARD-SLOT-DEFINITION and STANDARD-WRITER-METHOD will inherit slots whose names are exported symbols and/or accessible in the package common-lisp-user. Not fixed, except where indicated otherwise. LispWorks 8.0, 8.0.1 Hobbyist Edition - ADD-METHOD, REMOVE-METHOD, INITIALIZE-INSTANCE and REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE do not determine a new discriminating function. This is postponed until function invocation instead, so shouldn't be a problem in practice. - COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES doesn't exist. Fixed. - DEFGENERIC does not call FIND-METHOD-COMBINATION. Not fixed. - EQL-SPECIALIZER, EQL-SPECIALIZER-OBJECT and INTERN-EQL-SPECIALIZER don't exist. In LispWorks, eql specializers are lists not objects. I have provided EQL-SPECIALIZER as a type (not as a class) and EQL-SPECIALIZER-OBJECT and INTERN-EQL-SPECIALIZER to work on lists, and a class EQL-SPECIALIZER* and corresponding EQL-SPECIALIZER-OBJECT* and INTERN-EQL-SPECILAIZER* to soften the incompatibilities. - FIND-METHOD-COMBINATION doesn't exist. Fixed, but fixed version doesn't work with method combination options. - FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-INSTANCE-ACCESS and STANDARD-INSTANCE-ACCESS don't exist. Fixed. - The function invocation protocol doesn't call COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS and COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS-USING-CLASSES. Fixed. - MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA expects other parameters than specified. Fixed. - Method functions don't take parameters as specified in AMOP, but instead just the parameters that the generic function receives. Fixed. - The slot methods (SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS, etc.) are not specialized on effective slot definitions, but on slot names. Fixed. - The generated accessor methods don't use the slot methods for accessing slots. Fixed. (Don't use :optimize-slot-access to deoptimize slot access, or otherwise the fixed slot access protocol doesn't work anymore!) - SPECIALIZER-DIRECT-GENERIC-FUNCTIONS doesn't exist. Fixed. - STANDARD-CLASS and FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS are not compatible. Not fixed. - Subclasses of BUILT-IN-CLASS (fixed), CLASS (fixed), DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, FORWARD-REFERENCED-CLASS (fixed), FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS (fixed), SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-ACCESSOR-METHOD, STANDARD-CLASS (fixed), STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION, STANDARD-METHOD, STANDARD-READER-METHOD, STANDARD-SLOT-DEFINITION and STANDARD-WRITER-METHOD will inherit slots whose names are exported symbols and/or accessible in the package common-lisp-user. Not fixed, except where indicated otherwise. MCL 5.2.1 In MCL, generic functions work completely differently than specified. The specific incompatibilities are not listed and are not fixed. - The slot order requested by a primary method for COMPUTE-SLOTS is not honoured by this MOP. Not fixed. - FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-OBJECT is not exported. Fixed. - REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE of a class metaobject doesn't invoke FINALIZE-INHERITANCE again. Not fixed. - The automatically created accessor methods in DEFCLASS forms don't call SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS and (SETF SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS). Fixed. - Subclasses of DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-ACCESSOR-METHOD, STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION, STANDARD-METHOD, STANDARD-READER-METHOD, STANDARD-SLOT-DEFINITION and STANDARD-WRITER-METHOD will inherit slots whose names are exported symbols and/or accessible in the package common-lisp-user. Not fixed. SBCL 2.3.8 All features implemented. (In SBCL 1.0.47, there is a glitch with methods on slot-boundp-using-class, which may not work in all cases.) SCL 1.3.9 - The functions ADD-DIRECT-METHOD and REMOVE-DIRECT-METHOD don't exist, and thus are also not called. Partially fixed. - CLASS-DEFAULT-INITARGS and CLASS-DIRECT-DEFAULT-INITARGS don't exist. Not fixed. - COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-METHOD doesn't exist and isn't called. Not fixed. - MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA doesn't exist and isn't used. Not fixed. - The dependent protocols for classes and generic functions are not implemented. Fixed. - Discriminating functions cannot be funcalled, and it's unclear whether your own discriminating functions may be closures or not. COMPUTE-DISCRIMINATING-FUNCTION exists, but requires an extra 'cache' parameter, whose purpose is not specified. Not fixed. - EQL-SPECIALIZER is not a class, but only a type. Not fixed, but the implemented behavior should be sufficient for most cases. - Allocations other than :CLASS and :INSTANCE are not supported. Not fixed. - STANDARD-INSTANCE-ACCESS and FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-INSTANCE-ACCESS don't exist. Not fixed. - COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS is not invoked when generic functions are called. Not fixed. - Multiple slot options are not passed as lists to DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS. Not fixed, but use FIX-SLOT-INITARGS as a workaround. - Reinitialization of a generic function doesn't trigger recomputing its discriminating function. Not fixed. - (SETF CLASS-NAME) and (SETF GENERIC-FUNCTION-NAME) are not implemented by way of calling REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE. Not fixed. - The class SPECIALIZER doesn't exist. Not fixed. - STANDARD-CLASS and FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS are not compatible. - Subclasses of BUILT-IN-CLASS, CLASS, FORWARD-REFERENCED-CLASS, FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS, METHOD-COMBINATION, STANDARD-ACCESSOR-METHOD, STANDARD-CLASS, STANDARD-DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION, STANDARD-METHOD, STANDARD-READER-METHOD, STANDARD-SLOT-DEFINITION, STANDARD-WRITER-METHOD will inherit slots whose names are exported symbols and/or accessible in the package common-lisp-user. Not fixed. Some extra notes: - Don't rely on FIND-METHOD-COMBINATION to do its job correctly, only when you don't provide method combination options. - MAKE-METHOD-LAMBDA works in Allegro, CLisp, Clozure Common Lisp, CMUCL, LispWorks and SBCL as specified (but make sure that the respective generic function and method metaobject classes and make-method-lambda definitions are part of your compilation enviroment). - Specialize the methods for the dependent protocol on the class or generic function metaobject class. The example in AMOP doesn't do this but that is fragile code. - Don't rely on methods being initialized with the specified initargs from inside the MOP. - If you specialize DIRECT-SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS, use FIX-SLOT-INITARGS in portable code. - AMOP specifies that :declarations is used when initializing generic functions, whereas ANSI Common Lisp specifies that 'declare is used. Since almost all MOP implementations adhere to AMOP in this regard, I have also chosen that path.